Magnum D Bowl 10


Substance: oral methandienone
Brand: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Package: 10mg (100 pills)



D Bol 10, also known as Dianabol, is a very popular and effective pharmacological agent among athletes. Many athletes use the drug to increase muscle mass and volume, increase strength, improve appetite, strengthen bones and ligaments.

Methandienone tablets are a powerful anabolic. There is a great demand for Dianabol, due to the fact that its use qualitatively doubles the effectiveness of natural testosterone. According to reviews, Dianabol has a strong effect on muscle growth and emotional activity for about 5-6 hours from the moment of its ingestion.

Dianabol Effects

D Bol 10 from Magnum Pharmaceuticals has many benefits, the most important of which are:

  • The acceleration of protein synthesis,
  • Greater stimulation of muscle growth,
  • Greater strength and power,
  • Powerful anti-catabolic effect,
  • increased appetite,
  • Improves the quality of the bone structure,
  • Improvement of nitrogen metabolism in the body.
  • Dianabol Application and Dosage

    The RDA of Dianabol for beginning athletes should not exceed 30-50mg daily for 4-6 weeks and Testosterone base (either Enanthate or Propionate) should not exceed 8-10 weeks duration at 250-500mg per week

    If you want to gain strength, taking this drug can be combined only with Testosterone Enanthate. For example, you can apply Testosterone Enanthate at 250-500mg per week for an 8-10 week cycle and take Dianabol at 50mg per day for the initial 6 weeks of the cycle, after which Testosterone Enanthate may be replaced by testosterone propionate at 50-100 mg every other day.In this case, changing your testosterone to a shorter ester will allow you to control your dose much more efficiently, ready to finish the cycle and start your therapy-cycle (the recovery cycle).

    Additional Information


    oral methandienone


    10mg (100 pills)


    Magnum Pharmaceuticals


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