Enanthate 250


Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Brand: dragon pharma
Package: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)


Enantat 250 by the manufacturer Dragon Pharma is a long-acting natural testosterone ester, Enanthate. In bodybuilding, it is one of the most popular injectable steroids for sale in our store to gain muscle mass. Testosterone Enanthate is one of the best mass produced anabolic steroids that is recommended as the base of any cycle. This product has a strong positive androgenic character and a powerful anabolic character.

Effects and action of Test Enanthate in the body

Testosterone is responsible for promoting health and wellness by improving libido, energy, immunity, increasing fat loss, building and maintaining muscle mass, preventing osteoporosis (loss of bone density), and possibly protection against heart disease.

Perhaps the main advantage of Testosterone Enanthate is the pronounced increase in both muscle mass and strength. Along with the anabolic effect, the medicine has a pronounced androgenic effect. Rapid weight gain is associated with significant water retention through sodium retention and estrogenic effects. Testosterone Enanthate stimulates regeneration processes in the body. It increases the general tone and the desire to exercise, prevents overtraining and increases the oxygen capacity of the blood.

Recommendations for the cycle of Testosterone Enanthate

The recommended weekly dose of Testosterone Enanthate is 250mg to 500mg. Only experienced steroid users can take higher dosages up to 750mg or even 1000mg. Solo cycle length should be about 8-10 weeks.

To gain muscle mass, Testosterone Enanthate goes well with Methandrostenolone, Nandrolone and Trenbolone.

For the cutting and definition phase, the Testosterone Enanthate cycle is supplemented with Winstrol or Anavar in medium doses.

Additional Information


Testosterone Enanthate


10 ampoules (250mg/ml)


dragon pharma


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