Turinabol 10


Substance: Turinabol
Brand: Alpha Pharma
Package: 10mg (50 pills)



Turinabol is a medicine manufactured by Alpha Pharma, based on the active substance Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, which has properties similar to Methandienone, but with much less fluid retention in the body. Turinabol improves the physical performance of athletes, making them more resistant and strong, even during exhausting workouts.

By taking Turinabol, the muscle mass becomes denser and more prominent. Despite the high efficiency of the medicine, all the properties have a gradual effect on the course, but the quality and final results of a Turinabol course will make it possible to appreciate its true value.

Turinabol Effects

The medicine contributes to a noticeable increase in muscles and makes athletes stronger and more resistant, improves appetite, and also has fat-burning properties. This tool allows athletes not only to increase the volume and quality of their muscle mass, but also to significantly increase their physical abilities. Turinabol does not provide a significant set of muscles, so it is recommended to be used exclusively by beginners in solo courses, and professional athletes should combine this medicine with other steroid drugs.

How to take Turinabol tablets?

Turinabol is a very effective remedy with excellent effects, but for its correct use, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will help you choose the optimal individual dose and duration of use of this medicine. It is often used in a dosage of 20-80mg per day. Beginners should start with the low dose of 20mg and gradually increase it. A Turinabol cycle usually lasts between 4 and 6 weeks.

Most of the time, Turinabol is used in combination with Testosterone Propionate, this combination provides a small but high quality set of muscles. When Turinabol is combined with Trenbolone and Testosterone Enanthate, a significant increase in muscle mass can be obtained. Before each course, it is necessary to examine the state of your health and body.

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10mg (50 pills)


Alpha Pharma


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