Caberline 0.5


Substance: cabergoline
Brand: Sunpharma
Package: 0.5mg (4 pills)



Caberlin 0.5 from Sun Pharma is a drug designed to stimulate the production of dopamine, which in turn reduces prolactin levels. The active substance of the drug is called cabergoline. In sports, the drug is used to reduce the progestogenic activity of some drugs. Steroids with progestin activity are nandrolone and trenbolone, among others. While taking these anabolic drugs, the user has an increase in the concentration of prolactin. This can lead to the development of progestogen-type side effects. Our website offers a large selection of medications like Caber for post-cycle therapy to avoid these side effects.

Caber Effects

Timely administration of the drug will help avoid many side effects associated with progestin steroids. During the use of the drug, the user will be able to lower prolactin levels, stimulate the natural production of testosterone, have more motivation, improve his mood, prevent infertility and impotence, reduce his blood pressure, eliminate fluid retention and improve the definition of your muscles. Cabergoline can also improve the quality of a user's sex life by increasing libido and erectile function.

Rules for taking the drug

Sun Pharma's product is a highly effective drug that comes in 0.5mg tablets for oral consumption. Cabergoline can be taken by anyone, not just those who consume sports pharmacology.

As noted above, the drug in sports allows you to combat an increased concentration of prolactin. In this case, the drug should be used in an amount not exceeding 0.25 mg (half a tablet) every four days. However, if you experience side effects, take the medicine every other day.

In some situations, the drug can be taken to improve the quality of sexual life. In this case, the drug is taken in a dose of 0.5 mg (1 tablet) every 10 days.

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0.5mg (4 pills)




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